The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3802086
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Jul-16 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
We don't have to try. You always respond, then when the going gets tough you bleat about thread drift. Tough. Mudcat has no rules about thread drift.

Hezbollah plays a full part in the democratically-elected government of Lebanon. You don't get to be in an elected government without some popularity. Why don't you find out what they do apropos of health, education and social services? Find out why they get elected? Of course, you won't bother finding out if you want to believe that all they ever do is hate Jews, try to eliminate Israel, strap explosives to their kids or fire rockets across the border. Likewise, Hamas. Read about their efforts to reach peaceful compromise with the most uncompromising regime on earth, their next-door bullying neighbour Israel. Read about how they struggle to keep the water flowing, keep hospitals and send kids to school in the world's biggest open-air prison. They also get a lot wrong. You won't be corrupted into supporting them, I promise. But just for once you will find out how these war-torn territories try to get by day by day even when the rockets aren't flying and the white phosphorus and helicopter gunships are on hold. We call it seeing both sides. If you believe that anyone in the Middle East who isn't actually a Jew is a Jew-hating sub-human, as bobad does and as you appear to do, you won't bother, of course.

By the way, what I've said about what Hamas and Hezbollah do in government could also be said about the Tories. Yeah, I support the Tories too, don't I? In your dreams, you clown.