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Thread #159827   Message #3802096
Posted By: Teribus
26-Jul-16 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Jim Carroll - 26 Jul 16 - 04:04 AM

Lovely to see how well you demonstrate your hypocrisy.

You clearly have one set of rules that the Jewish nation must live by and adhere to and quite a different set of rules that apply to the Arab nations of the region.

As usual your views ignore reality and well documented fact. The territory that came to be referred to as "Palestine" in 1923 was open to settlement by all.

There have only ever been two instances where "Palestinian" Land has been stolen - both those instances occurred in 1948 when the Egyptians invaded and annexed the Gaza Strip from 1948 until 1967 and when the Jordanians invaded and occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

In 1947 the Arabs rejected the two state solution proposed by the UN.

The Arabs chose war and lost, in the ensuing ceasefire negotiations no borders were ever defined.

Not really interested in Jom's conspiracy theories - I'd say that the Israeli Government has got a damned sight more to be bothered about than expending any time and effort in discrediting the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. Besides the Labour Party in the UK do more than a perfectly efficient job of bringing discredit on themselves without needing any outside assistance.

The anti-Semitic issue and concerns were reported, as Keith A originally stated, by Labour's NEC - the fact that Jom, Raggy & Shaw cannot accept that is typical of them - so they argue as though it was Keith A who came up with the allegations - when of course he didn't. Same with the other charges. These clowns may convince each other but they do not fool anyone else.