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Thread #159827   Message #3802209
Posted By: Teribus
27-Jul-16 - 02:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Steve Shaw - 26 Jul 16 - 02:27 PM

"The Labour Party has not found her or anyone else guilty of antisemitism."

Really?? Opening sentence in the "Conclusions" Section of the Chakrabarti Report:

"This Inquiry was triggered by a series of unhappy incidents which did no credit to the Labour Party."

Note "a series of unhappy incidents" NOT "allegations of a series of unhappy incidents" there is no attempt at all in the report to minimise them as you have done Shaw.

Key recommendation No.1 in the Report:

1. Epithets such as "Paki", "Zio" and others should have no place in Labour Party discourse going forward.

Care to enlighten us as to what a "Zio" would be Shaw? A Zionist perhaps?

Key recommendation No.4 in the Report:

4. Labour members should resist the use of Hitler, Nazi and Holocaust metaphors, distortions and comparisons in debates about Israel-Palestine in particular.

Care to also explain why Cllr Allan Parry NEC came out with this statement then:

"The NEC are appalled by recent cases of antisemitic abuse. Antisemitism has no place in the Labour Party and is contrary to everything we stand for. Jeremy introduced a new code of conduct for the party, which states:

"The Labour Party is an anti-racist party, committed to combating and campaigning against all forms of racism…. Labour will not tolerate racism in any form inside or outside the party….Any behaviour or use of language which targets or intimidates members of ethnic or religious communities or incites racism, including anti-Semitism…or undermines Labour's ability to campaign against any form of racism, is unacceptable".

Within his definition of anti-racist your Party Leader includes anti-Semitism, you seem to want to exclude it reading what you have posted.

"The NEC are appalled by recent cases of antisemitic abuse. Antisemitism has no place in the Labour Party and is contrary to everything we stand for."

Now for them to have been appalled by those recent cases then there had to have been substance to them. No mention at all there of "allegations of anti-Semitic abuse". That two investigations have been undertaken and two reports written detailing recommendations and actions to be taken would lend one to believe that Labour's NEC did view it as a serious issue and they did deal with it seriously - "serious issue" and "an issue being dealt with seriously" are not mutually exclusive terms, don't pretend that they are.