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Thread #159827   Message #3802711
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Jul-16 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Simple, Keith. LabourList is not Labour. You were quoting it as a Labour source, which it is not. The Daily Telegraph is a damn sight more loyal to the Tories than LabourList is to Labour, but we wouldn't call it the Tory house journal, would we, unless we were being sarcastic.

By the way, I hope Teribus is reading this. Neither Jim nor I have denied that Labour had an issue that needed addressing. Serious? The most serious aspect of the whole thing, in which a tiny handful out of half a million members made some unwise remarks, was the right-wing media firestorm that was whipped up, aided by the conspirators in the party who are trying to unseat Corbyn (unlike you, the conspirators have moved on to other gambits such as misogyny, threats of violence and bullying. When all that fails only baby-eating will be left). We have both said that, in our opinion, Labour has addressed the issue appropriately. We have also pointed out your hypocrisy in dwelling obsessively on a matter that Labour has dealt with openly and honestly while the people you support, Farage and Johnson, get away without comment from you (except that you defended Johnson's calling black babies piccaninnies, of course 😂) with their scurrilous, xenophobic, racist agenda, replete with lies. I'd say that you have misrepresented us both. Labour addressed the matter seriously and both Jim and I, unlike you, have comprehensively given you our opinions in detail and have denied nothing. All YOU do is quote from cherrypicked sources that fit your anti-Labour one-track mind agenda, well, at least when you are taking a break from defending a terrorist regime, that is. Never an opinion of your own.