The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3802795
Posted By: Teribus
30-Jul-16 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Any hand wringing you do saying "all racism is deplorable" is mere lip service to try and avoid the public condemnation which you should rightly undergo." - says Raggy

Isn't that precisely what Labour's NEC has done? Now why don't those who were the cause of all those recommended "immediate and sustained actions" being made have to withstand - "the public condemnation which they should rightly undergo."

We have yet another baseless accusation thrown out by "Shaw, the honest, open and truthful" - "This bloody cabal of racist minnows who post here, the unholy trinity of Keith, bobad and Teribus, can't bear to hear facts about the people they purport to despise.".

"This bloody cabal"?? What bloodshed Shaw?

"Racist"?? - Give me an example of anything racist that I have posted - How silly of me, I forgot that's never going to happen is it?

Now then who is it that I purport to despise and what "facts" about them can I not bear to hear?

Hamas? Tell me about their popular support and the mandate that was so freely given by the population of Gaza. When did they last hold an election? What did they do to their political opponents? Why did they use cement and building materials delivered into Gaza to build tunnels and underground bunkers for themselves and built nothing for the general population? Why have they indiscriminately fired over 15,000 rockets, mortars and missiles into Israel? If they did not exist then there would be no problem with Israel (Ask the Jordanians and the Egyptians if Israel keeps their side of any agreement they sign - the answer would be, "Yes they do.")

Hamas and the PA have received more in aid than was given to the whole of Europe under the Marshall Plan at the end of the Second World War - what have they done with it? - S.F.A.

Dress them up anyway you like Shaw, Hamas and Hezbollah are "men-of-the-gun" who are state sponsored by the likes of Iran, and formerly Iraq and Syria to cause trouble with Israel.