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Thread #159827   Message #3802859
Posted By: Teribus
31-Jul-16 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Jim Carroll - 31 Jul 16 - 08:07 AM

"As you have not linked to any of your claims I will treat them with the distrust with which I regard all your claims.
You have a nasty habit of making up "facts"

But...But..."Jom " everything I have written contains the information I got from the link that YOU, YOURSELF PROVIDED - So what have I got to reference - you dull PRAT.

Give me an example of one of my "Made-Up-Facts" Carroll - I can give you a ready made list of the howlers you have tried to pass as "facts" in discussions on this forum - To date you have been unable to detail a single one from me.

27 instances going back over 31 years involving 25 people who were all named whether they were guilty or not - That is the apparent case in the Conservative Party. Your claim was that there was no action taken - But by reading the link YOU PROVIDED we find that that is not the case. Those involved have been investigated, suspended, expelled, subject to resignation and where appropriate they have been exonerated and cleared. But it was all done in the open for all to see - nothing hidden.

Let's have a look at the Labour Party. They make a big thing about mounting investigations and inquiries after 50 members are suspended for anti-Semitism, then more and more allegations made by members of the Labour Party start coming out about other abuses within the Party and all of a sudden no names are to be mentioned, the report into the anti-Semitic abuses within the OULC is suppressed by Labour's NEC.

Eleven recommendations for immediate and sustained action are tabled by Baroness Royall. She makes a further seven suggested recommendations in the light of further allegations to Shami Chakrabarti and I see that Shami ignores the most important ones.

But she does suggest that within the Labour Party:

1: A moratorium on any charges of abuse - in effect "all-sins-of-the-past" are forgiven and cannot be investigated

2: A time limit must be introduced for any complaints

3: No lifetime bans from the Party as people can have a "change of heart" - they can apologise for past actions - Naz Shah recently went this route over anti-Semitic comments that she made as did Tony Blair, he apologised for the Iraq War.

4: There were 49 people at least in the Labour Party who were suspended for anti-Semitic behaviour, no idea how many complaints there were for sexist and misogynist behaviour, or for intimidation and making violent threats against those viewed as not toeing the Corbyn party line by Momentum. And we haven't a clue who any of these people are, we don't even know if they were guilty or innocent of the accusations made against them - all covered-up by the NEC.