The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3802904
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Jul-16 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
" Israel has an opposition whose JOB it is to disagree with the government."
It is the job of an opposition to disagree when it disagrees - not to disagree on principle   
No State which attempts to set up a monotheistic Apartheid State (a term freely used by Israelis, Jews and non-Jews alike)can be described as "democratic"
No State which drives long residing non-Jewish residents to make room for settlers of he approved religion can be described as "democratic"   
No State which drives nomadic peoples onto a toxic rubbish site in order to take over their land can be described as "democratic"
No State which facilitates the massacre of 3,500 unarmed refugee can be described as "democratic"
No state which uses chemical and anti-personnel weapons on civilians can be described as "democratic"
No people who massacres thousands of civilians and destroys their homes, hospitals, places of learning and the means of living and can be described as "democratic"
No State which installs a ten-year long blockade on a neighbour in order to starve them into submission can be described as "democratic"
No State which builds a wall dividing families of their means of sustenance and living can be described as "democratic"
No state which regards opposition to their political and military actions as "antisemitic" or Anti-British, or Un-American can be described as "democratic"
Israel is an extremist, right-wing State run for the benefit of those who fit required religious or racial concepts, it can never be described as "democratic"
Far from being a "democracy", Israel is a repressive undemocratic State bearing all the characteristics of previous fascist states - that is a description being used by Jews and non Jews, including Israelis.   
The Holocaust survivors who signed the petition were described the same recently
""There have long been efforts to identify anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in an effort to exploit anti-racist sentiment for political ends; 'one of the chief tasks of any dialogue with the Gentile world is to prove that the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a distinction at all,' Israeli diplomat Abba Eban argued, in a typical expression of this intellectually and morally disreputable position (Eban, Congress Bi-Weekly, March 30, 1973). But that no longer suffices. It is now necessary to identify criticism of Israeli policies as anti-Semitism -- or in the case of Jews, as 'self-hatred,' so that all possible cases are covered."
Noam Chomsky
Critics of Israel
Jim Carroll