The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160339   Message #3802972
Posted By: Stu
01-Aug-16 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump - Again
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
"And if the "the country" ISN'T afraid of The Trumpshit and the havoc he would wreak as president then its very seriosly fucked."

But it is seriously fucked, as my American friends tell me. Without an adequate welfare state the poor suffer horribly, unable to afford adequate healthcare and with people forced to work until they die as they have no provision for retirement. Coupled with the fact the political system is totally inaccessible to people without money, with the fact the Presidential system seems to promote political dynasties over genuine merit (more like ancient Rome than a modern, progressive state) and the fact that inequality on so many levels is a way of life for people who signed up for The American Dream.

Sanders understood this but never stood a chance of getting the nomination; the Clinton dynasty is way too powerful to shift with mere political integrity and progressive policies.

People will want to give the establishment a bloody nose and if they only way they can do this is by electing a person that actually couldn't lead the free world then so be it. Please learn from the Brexit debacle here in the UK, where a fair portion of the electorate kicked against the establishment (er, with a faction of the establishment's encouragement) and took us out of a progressive European future and are taking us back to the little Britain we thought we'd consigned to the distant past.