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Thread #159827   Message #3803004
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Aug-16 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"No-one used that word about them!"
Teribus implied it by suggesting that facts were held back
If it wasn't rigged, you have no case - there was no serious problem found.
"Plenty of criticism though."
The criticism can be applied to any political party and any section of the British public
The Labour party party dealt with the criticism and made recommendations - nothing from the Tories yet and nothing from you pair about the fact that Britain has a racist foreign Secretary - you made enough fuss about the Labour problem - doesn't racism and bigotry count if it comes from the right - obviously not.
The decision not to publish details of the Oxford enquiry was, as afar as I am concerned, a correct one.
It involved young people in the process of getting an education whose futuers depend on their not being a scandal attached to them in any shape or form - to people like you, being accused is tantamount to their being guilty, as you have amply demonstrated here.
If there had been a serious problem, I have no doubt that the authorities would have dealt with it - in the light of the publicity this has received they could not afford to do otherwise.
If you have any information that the verdict that was reached was inaccurate or rigged, please offer it - so far you have given neither numbers or the nature of the accusation - you have dealt only in smears.
The verdicts of both enquiries seems to have been generally accepted - that's enough for me.
Talking of which - do you really think you are going to walk away from once again accusing me of making things up?
In your dreams.
You have exposed yourself once again as the unpleasantly dishonest individual you appear to be.
Now - how about a withdrawal and an apology for suggesting that I made up the "self-hating Jews" statement - you have had ample proof that it is now a standard way of describing opponents of the regime.
I am not a believer, but I have spent my life in the company of people who describe themselves as Christians and have learned to love them and respect their beliefs, even if I don't share them.
I have no idea what form of Christianity you aspire to but your vicious inhumanity and your dishonesty is far beyond my experience.
" run out of road "
You are the one who "runs out of road", refuses to provide evidence for your claims and eventually lapses into silence.
How about some links - to anything you have claimed?
Jim Carroll