The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3803007
Posted By: Raggytash
01-Aug-16 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Can't be arsed going back through your posts Teribus. However you, probably above all others, are the one person who complains about such Ad Hominem posts. For example a few months ago you mentioned the use of given pseudonyms yet you continue to refer to me a Raggy, Jim as Jom (ever so childish) and Steve Shaw as Shaw. This not only shows a lack of intelligence it also clearly demonstrates a lack of education.

If you really wanted a sensible debate you would refrain from such.

You may have noticed I have referred to yourself as Teribus for some time despite your continuing use of a abbreviation for myself.

Perhaps if you were to debate intelligently and cohesively instead of bullying and blustering insisting you are right and others are wrong your posts may carry more weight. The world isn't just black or white, it isn't just good or bad, much of the time there isn't even a clear right or wrong.

My views on most subjects are the product of the books I have read. I am aware there is a propensity to read things that will reinforce things that I preconceive, a natural enough line to take, but not necessarily the best one. Thus I attempt to read round a subject taking in the views of ALL sides so I may form my own opinions. I do not, as you seem to do, just regurgitate the views of the nearest (in your case right wing) diatribe I can find.