The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29874   Message #380318
Posted By: Skeptic
23-Jan-01 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round Five !!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round Five !!!!
I suggest that "Live Free or Die" would make a better national motto than "In God we Trust". Antecedents of the former notwithstanding, it demands personal accountability while the latter seems to imply that the spirt in the sky'll fix everything and we (as individuals) just gotta sit back and do nothing. Which a lot do well already which explains a lot.

Uncle Jaque, Executive Orders don't require legislative or judicial review. Nor, per the constitution, do presidential pardons, for that matter. Executive Orders are a tool long used by Presidents of all persuasions to speed implementation of some legislation passed by Congress or an interpretation of the law by the Courts. They are not making new law or bypassing anything but the tedious process of implementing regulations in the Federal Register. I think Clinton went overboard but he acted within the constitutional boundaries of his office. Hardly imperial.

Making sure no protestors were allowed to mar the inauguration strikes me as far more Imperial. I suppose I should console myself that at least they weren't rounded up and carted off to a holding camp somewhere. JFK Stadium comes to mind.

Did I miss something in GWB's speech? Sounded like the usual bland, feel-good stuff to me. Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.

McGrath, Good for Belgium. Like the idea or not, at least they've put it on the table and rubbed everyone's face in it. GWB will probably cut off aid, close the embassy and not invite their ambassador to any cookouts. Does make you wonder what the accepted appertif will be at the Belgian Embassy soirees though.

Alex, (From round four) Congress put the censorship thing in but Clinton didn't veto it. Sorry if I wasn't clear. The price of passing the budget maybe?

troll and others

A true gentleman could never conceive (except theoretically) of the existence of cheap whiskey. Let alone discuss it.

Regards John