The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160339   Message #3803214
Posted By: Stu
02-Aug-16 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump - Again
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
"Physician heal thyself."


"Trump and the hate-filled idiots who follow him are just part of the same thing that causes people to grab rifles and try to blow away random people."

I don't think is true; any citizen who carries a gun for anything other than hunting is scared and fearful, which is what the shooters are.

It's too easy to dismiss Trump supports as some kind of lunatic sub-class, idiots or easily led. Of course demagogues attract a type of person, but when people feel they have no-one else to vote for and want to give the ruling classes they will take what power they have and use it, and better the ballot-box than the gun.

The parallels with the UK Brexit vote are worrying. A lot of people in this country followed a rag-tag band of liars, xenophobes and generally unpleasant people into the ballot box and voted us out of a progressive partnership with other nations. Many of these folk didn't give a shit about that these plastic brownshirts were obviously lying through their arses, they wanted to give those in government a kicking, and they did.

People feel disenfranchised, forgotten and see banks cause crisis after crisis whilst their bosses get richer and take zero responsibility for their mismanagement. The people who do suffer the consequences are the people who hear Hillary Clinton speak and see a person who has done nothing to right these wrongs; it must be hard to watch people die from treatable illnesses in a fabulously wealthy country because of a slavish devotion to the inhuman ideology which represents the status quo.

It'll happen here too. We've enough of the disenfranchised here to make a drift to the right almost inevitable, and until we have no viable alternative there's little to stop these people. I can never understand how a person could vote for someone that lacks personal integrity in the way people like Trump and Farage do, but there you go.