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Thread #159827   Message #3803315
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Aug-16 - 04:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Irrelevant "
Why - if a term is used as a racist epithet, and has long been outlawed, why should it be acceptable for it to be used by politicians - are they above the rest of us - oh, forgot, of course they are to fascists.
"Elsewhere in the world it most certainly is not the case,"
So we have a Foreign secretary who speaks for the rest of the world - must say, I've never come across that one - Jay-sus!!!!!
That's news to me Jom"
I used our diplomatic Duke as an example of a British establishment figure who constantly embarrasses Britain (my Britain - not your enlist one) with his racial insensitivity - I have no idea whether he used that particular racist term - "slitty eyed", "lazy Indian workers", spear chuckers" are more par for his course.
Please do not be stupid, and don't take us for such
A racist term by a used by a British politician is a racist term - Johnson at least had the nouse to apologise for letting the mask slip - you are beyond a joke.
"It is racist to state the fact that Barack Obama's father was Kenyan"
No, of course it isn't, Johnson used it as one when he claimed that Obama had an "ancestral dislike of the UK", using his Kenyan ancestry to make the point - that is racist and it was recognised to be so.
It's the old usual - that foreigners aren't like us, they can never become one of us because it is in their genes to hate us.
Just about wipes out the entire population of present-day America - just what we want in a Foreign Secretary.
"Of course not Jom your biased mind was already unalterably made up - Not in the least surprised at that, nothing new there}"
Comes a little rich from someone who has been harping on General Kitchener for about a year now and just watched his boat sink.
I acknowledged my mistake and apologised - you have neither the good grace to accept that people do such things, nor the balls to do similar for your list of "made-up-crap when it is pointed out to you.
Comes with being a superior being, eh-what?
"Now that last sentence is closing in on the nub of this discussion about the Labour anti-Semitism row in which there are three parts."
Why do you always manage to sound like a latter-day Mr Quelch?
You are a pompous buffoon - the only entertaining aspect to your contributions is your self-projected image of a blimpish gun-nut, wannabe military veteran who wants to be taken seriously by bullying his opinions to the world - a wonderful caricature of a congenital all-round failure.
You're metier appears to be a crowded barroom around closing time, trying to impress the local yokels.
So what have we got – it isn't racist to use words that are used elsewhere – it's ok to use the ancestry of people to stereotype them and the world has missed what you know about the Labour Party
You really are a sad joke, and a dim one at that.
As I said, if you have any evidence of any form of racial or cultural wrongdoing in the Labour party, please produce it and show what the rest of the world appears to have missed about any of these things
Jim Carroll