The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3803328
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Aug-16 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"I would appear to be a damn sight better at "investigating" things than you."
More megalomania - if you "investigate!"things" why do you never disclose where your ideas come from - client confidentiality?
"Your are at fault."
Neither - we both know that "picaninniny" is and offenbsive racist term - that's why the press is full of Johnson's having used it as being racist
Maybe their "memory or honesty"
is at fault.
You really are stupidly obvious in your racism.
"Nobody has, including me."
And you are incredibly stupid to continue denying what you have said on line, have had put up in front of you dozens of times and continue to argue for
Truely beyond belief.
You have been asked to put up examples of others saying similar - you continue to refuse to do so and will not do so at any future date - point conclusively made I think
Jim Carroll