The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160339   Message #3803395
Posted By: Bev and Jerry
03-Aug-16 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump - Again
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again

Next time someone tells you that Hillary is a liar try asking them what she lied about. We've been doing that lately and we rarely, if ever, get any specific answer. The most common answer is, "Everything". That's Trump's line, too.

It amazes us that so many people characterize Hillary as a liar when Trump tells "yuge" lies every day. Not just putting political spin on things or making promises he does not keep. He makes constant statements that are obviously untrue like America has the highest taxes in the world or he saw thousands of Arabs cheering in New Jersey after 9/11 or Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law, etc, etc.

However, he did tell the truth yesterday when he accepted a veteran's purple heart medal as a gift. He should have said that he could not accept the medal because it is only given to service members who are killed or wounded in battle. Instead, he said thanks, I always wanted a purple heart and this is much easier. As usual, he didn't complete that sentence but he was implying that receiving it as a gift was easier than actually getting wounded in the service of our country.

Bev and Jerry