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Thread #159827   Message #3803819
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Aug-16 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"I have, every time you dredge it up."
Good - then we're both happy and will continue to be for the forseeable future.
The fact that you have never produced anybody who you claim made a claim about implanted Pakistanis, nor will you ever do so, proves it to be your statement alone.
Call anybody a racist again and 'pouff' - up it will come.
I've got very tired with you and your thuggish mate deliberately wrecking these threads with your dishonest stonewalling, your constant desire to "win", your extreme inhumanity, your hypocrisy and your insulting behaviour - both of you.
"4. Labour members should resist the use of Hitler, Nazi and Holocaust metaphors, distortions and comparisons in debates about Israel-Palestine in particular."
I'm not a member of the Labour Party - as things stand at present, I don't even support their policies - I haven't voted for them since Blair and his cronies turned the party into a shadow Tory Party, so why should I have any regard for such guidelines?
This comparison is now being made worldwide by Jews and non Jews, inside and outside of Israel, including by members of the Israeli establishment
General Golan
Holocaust survivors
Holocaust survivors petition
The definition of Antisemitism has always included the clause that it is forbidden to blame the Jewish People for the actions of the Israeli Government, yet the Israelis, by claiming that it is Antisemitic to criticise Israeli policy, are doing exactly this - equating their policies with the wishes of the Jews.
This makes any definition totally invalid.
"You really are a mental case, aren't you.....sick, sick, sick!"
No - it is you, by blaming the Jewish people for the atrocities carried out by Israel, who are sick - it is you who is the right wing extremist and it is you who denigrates the Palestinian people with cut-'n-pastes from fascist sites and supports the mass murder of civilians, refugees, women and children, and the destruction of their homes, schools and hospitals, the use of chemical and anti-personnel weapons, the massacre of 3,500 unarmed refugees........ who are as sick as the sickest parrot
Your defence of Israel is, by definition Antisemitic, so don't tell me I am sick
Your torrent of vitriolic abuse underlines exactly what you are.
You want to make a case for Israel, do so with genuine evidence, not long lists put together by fanatical Islamophobic organisations.
You want a decent argument - stop using Antisemitic arguments - you are no better than and little different from the BNP trolls that pop up from time to time on this site.
Nobody here has ever at any time on this forum accused the Jewish People of anything other than people like you.
You claim I am an extremist left-winger - do you have any evidence of this - course you haven't - people like you don't need evidence to make their insulting accusations.
Now - produce some proof or crawl back under your bridge
Jim Carroll