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Thread #154361   Message #3803949
Posted By: keberoxu
06-Aug-16 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can we have a Permanent abuse thread
Subject: RE: BS: Can we have a Permanent abuse thread
William Cobbett: from Chapter VII: Potatoes, in Part II,
A Year's Residence in the United States of America

The previous post gives excerpts only from the potato letter from 1815.
In this 1822 book, Cobbett reprints the potato letter in its entirety, and continues:

Now, observe, I never received any answer to this. Much abuse. New torrents of abuse; and, in language still more venomous than the former; for now the Milton and Shakespear men, the critical Parsons, took up the pen; and when you have an angry Priest for adversary, it is not the common viper, but the rattlesnake, that you have to guard against.

....I beg to be understood as saying nothing against the cultivation of potatoes in any place, or near any place where there are people willing to consume them at half a dollar a bushel, when wheat is two dollars a bushel. If any one will buy dirt to eat, and if one can get dirt to him with more profit than one can get wheat to him, let us supply him with dirt by all means. It is his taste to eat dirt; and, if his taste have nothing immoral in it, let him, in the name of all that is ridiculous, follow his taste....
Nor do I say, that it is filthy to eat potatoes. I do not ridicule the using of them as sauce. What I laugh at is, the idea of the use of them being a saving....
As food for cattle, sheep, or hogs, this is the worst of all the green and root crops; but, of this, I have said enough before; and therefore, I now dismiss the Potatoe with the hope, that I shall never again have to write the word, or see the thing.