The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160351   Message #3804060
Posted By: keberoxu
07-Aug-16 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Cnocainin Aerach Cill Mhuire (Kilmurry)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Cnocainin Aerach Cill Mhuire (Kilmurry)
How do we locate the lyrics to the chorus? I'm the last person on earth who can identify the Gaelic text by ear from the recordings.

The chorus is a quatrain, four lines. The first line sounds like

"is 'o-ro-way o-ro-way' buachaillin brea"....

while the forth and final line sounds very like the line that concludes the final verse:

"go n-ólfaimid sláinte Chill Mhuire."