The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3804270
Posted By: Teribus
09-Aug-16 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Steve Shaw - 08 Aug 16 - 07:08 PM

"Now let's see. You make an accusation ............. The onus is squarely on your shoulders to prove your claim, not on us to disprove what you say. You started it, so let's see you seeing this through."

Remember those words Shaw, they are yours and they are, without any shadow of a doubt, going to come back and bite you and your pals.

As to the honesty, the impartiality and the integrity of the Report in question and the subsequent award of a peerage - far from being a deliberate and well orchestrated anti-Labour or pro-Israeli smear campaign, the first cries of foul came from within the Labour Party itself.