The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3804415
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Aug-16 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"ZFUK is not the only organization voicing harsh criticism of Labour's handling of antisemitism in the party."
And once again we have confirmation that this campaign is linked directly to Israel's attempts to offset criticism of it's murderous and predatory behavior.
Bobad's linked article is taken from statements from The Zionist Federation of the U.K. whose self stated aims are...
"The ZF celebrates Israel and challenges our enemies. As the UK affiliate of the World Zionist Organisation, originally founded as the Zionist Organisation at the initiative of Theodor Herzl, The ZF stands up for Israel in all forums, both nationally and internationally. From the media, to civil society, to the political establishment, The ZF is proud to support the noble cause of Zionism."
It really cannot get more plainly stated than that - the "Antisemitism" that Labour is being accused off are not attacks on The Jewish People, but on criticism of Israel - it actually says so in the article - anybody who criticises Israel automatically becomes an Antisemite..
I've asked Bobad is that is is position - with his usual display of courage he refuses to answer,
I was brought up in a household that totally supported the cause of the State of Israel.
The obvious rise in Nazisim in Germany inspired my father, a pacifist Catholic, to volunteer to fight in Spain to attempt to stop the rise of fascism - he fought alongside Jewish Refugees who had fled Germany and recognised the Nazi threat to the Jewish People.
He was wounded, captured and hospitalised, and in San Sebastain Prison he befriended German Jewish members of the Ernst Thälmann Brigade.
When my father died, our house was filled with people I had never met, including some of the Jews who had fought alongside him in Spain, some of whom had gone on to become Jewish Freedom Fighters for the new State of Israel.
Throughout my entire political life I have associated with and befriended left wing Jews who thought, as I do, that this rotten world desperately needs improvement - now "self-hating" Jews all, to the scum who have destroyed the dream of a Jewish Homeland by adopting the same policies as were used to send six million of them to the extermination camps.
To Bobad - I am an Antisemite, because I oppose these people.
Fine by me.
I'm happy to put beliefs against anybody's who doesn't have the courage and the principle to condemn the describing of this song, written on the eve of the extermination of six million Jews, as "a silly song as harmless as the theme song of 'Dad's Army', 'Who Do You Think You're Kidding Mr Hitler":

Land of dope and Jewry,
Land that once was free,
All the Jew boys praise thee
While they plunder thee.

Poorer still and poorer
Grow the trueborn sons,
Faster still and faster
They're sent to feed the guns.

Land of Jewish finance,
Fooled by Jewish lies,
In press and books and movies
While our birthright dies.

Longer still and longer
Is the rope they get
But, by the God of battles
T'will serve to hang them yet.

Please feel free to call me an "Antisemite" for as long as the fanct takes you Bobad - personally, I'm at a loss to find a word which describes your behaviour.
Jim Carroll