The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3804432
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Aug-16 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"It was a silly song, and disgustingly antisemitic."
Then why did you compare it to the theme song from 'Dad's Army'
"I never said it was harmless,"
Then why did you compare it to the theme song from 'Dad's Army' We went to "war against Herr Hitler and stood alone aginst him at great and terrible."
Diversive bullshit.
Can I remind you of how that argument started.
I recalled having been told as a young man of British politicians describing reports of Auschwitz as "lies by whingeing Yids".   
You objected strenuously saying I had made it up - you insisted that such an idea was "illogical"
Despite having been presented with the behaviour of some British politicians, you continued to defend your "illogical" argument.
You have never had any interest in the welfare of the Jewish People - your only interest is to defend the interests of right wing extremism - here and in Israel.
Inn this particular case, that included defending virulent Antisemitic fascism by extremely dangerous British Fascists art a time when, as you say "we went to war against Herr Hitler and stood alone against him at great and terrible cost".
I like the "Herr" - by the way - not often you see him referred to as Mr.
And before you use it as an excuse - mine was a direct quote from British Fascists - yours was your own chosen description.
Jay-sus - is the mask really slipping when you're put to it??
"you presumably mean they supported Israel's right to exist."
More made up Keith shit
Jim Carroll