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Thread #159827   Message #3804546
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Aug-16 - 04:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Because neither song has any historical significance, though the Dad's Army one reflects most closely how Brits felt at the time."
Apoloogist crap Keith
If songs like this had no significance, then neither did anything that happened in Europe in the thirties and forties.
They were part for the history of who was doing what to who
It is now illegal in Germany to deny that the Holocaust didn't happen.
It should be equally illegal to deny that prominent people i Britain supported those event - which was precisely what you attempted to do.
As usual, your interest wasn't then and still isn't in what happened to the Jewish People, but to defend the British right wing establishment.
You attempted to deny or at least play down the role of some of the British 'Great and Good' who actually supported Hitler and the Nazis.
These people and what they did were part of what happened - our history, just as musc as was the appeasement of Hitler, That no attempts to stop the rise of Hitler were ever undertaken, the fact that a British Monarch and his lady where friends of "Herr Hitler", that he taught the Royal children to give the Nazi salute......
To deny or play down any of this is equivalent to denying that the Holocaust happened.
"No. You gave it as an actual quote."
Which is how I first herd it - the fact that I was unable to trace it was immaterial
What is very material is that you went to great lengths to deny it, claiming that it was "illogical" - please tell me that you still hold that view - PLEASE!!
You were given the facts of British fascism yet you still claimed that that statement could not have been made.
Wht should people like those wow wrote:
"Land of dope and Jewry,
Land that once was free,
All the Jew boys praise thee
While they plunder thee."
should not have claimed the Holocaust to have been a "lie invented by whingeing Yids?"
You are a truely evil little man.
"No. I was showing that the inference is widely held"
No it is not.
Despite the fact that the Israelis now have the contents of the enquiry in full, not one statement implicating The Labour Party in serious Antisemitism - not one.
All the quotes given so far have been criticism of Israeli war crimes - which is not Antisemitism.
Some critics may have adopted the same policy of blaming the Jewish People, but so have the Israelis, so have you and certainly, so has Bobad - making you all Antisemites.
You, with your appeasement of British fascism, most certainly are anyway.
Jim Carroll