The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3804686
Posted By: Teribus
12-Aug-16 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Superiors Jom?

"A story I heard from somebody" - "Somebody told me" - So it must be true - Are you insane??? - Do you actually EVER check anything?

It was the same with your "summary execution" bullshit, where as holes were blown in your little myth you changed your story, digging yourself in deeper with every change and twist. You couldn't give any detail in that case and you can't give any now.

There is not a single fact that either myself, Keith A or bobad has offered up that you can dispute.

Tell me Jom, as you are emphasising the importance of obscenely anti-Semitic songs, which group in what political party are singing that song's modern day equivalent? As you will most definitely not address this point, I will provide the answers - the group are the hard-left in Momentum and they are all paid up members of the Labour Party - evidence of this? It was just one of the instances that prompted the resignation of Alex Chalmers and caused Labour's NEC to launch her investigation into anti-Semitism within the OULC, findings from that Inquiry led to an additional inquiry with a much wider remit and Shami Chakrabarti was charged with leading that second Inquiry - Had there been "no problem" as you suggest, none of that would ever have happened.