The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3804738
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Aug-16 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
" well it must have been three pubs if the latest version of your story is to be believed -"
are you actually going to prove I have in any way altered what I originally said or do you intend to continue to display your inferiority by lying in your teeth?
Just curious
I ask again, why are you so keen to disprove this story (and humiliate yourself at the same time) when the existence of pro - Nazis in Westminster is proven fact - is the 'good name' of a couple of establishment fascists really worth all the puff and bluster.
"But like the scurrilous story of the summary executions your little class-warrior mentality"
You were directly linked to that particular "scurrilous little story" - bur as always, you know better.
It came from a diary entry of one of those "lying" Tommies and was put up by his grandson.
Couldn't have been true - didn't fit in your claim of all those magnificent leaders (like 'Wrong-Shell' Kitchener) who sent a generation of young men to their deaths.
Your inferiority - like Pinocchio's nose, continues to grow each time you post.
You've moved on from being a pompous blow-hard to joining the other pair of trolls under their bridge
Your 'arguments' are little more than vituperative hate mail now - but please continue to "huff and to puff' and see what house you can blow down between you.
How about that evidence of Labour antisemitism - you know, numbers and examples - any joy yet?