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Thread #159827   Message #3804808
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Aug-16 - 04:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Point is though Jom - you believe it."
Point is - I have no reason not to believe it.
"I see your Tommy Kenny story has changed yet again"
No it has not, my Tommy Kenny story is as it was at the beginning
The point here is yu are (deliberately no doubt) confusing two different arguments abut two different incidents.
Tommy Kenny told us of how men fighting on the front "walked away from the noise", were picked up as deserters, tried, sentenced to death and locked away awaiting execution.
If a push came, they were taken out of confinement, placed in the front line and, if they survived, were later executed, as originally decided.
Their names were posted up announcing their execution - end of story
Nothing to do with summary executions whatever.
That story was recorded during a three-day session made by me, John Faulkner and Sandra Kerr in 1969 and is lodged in The British Library, with the rest of our collection.
The "summary executions" argument came from an item posted on the internet by the grandson of a WW1 veteran; it was based on an extract from his grandfather's diary which claimed that there were summary executions taking place during WW1 carried out by specially assigned groups of military police.
Unlike your refusal to provide backing to your claims, I posted the item and gave the link.
My only claim was that, as a similar incident was used during a serial entitled 'The Village', set during W.W.1., the practice was not isolated to the diary extract.
You, of course, described both of these incidents as made up by me (as you do) and appewar not to have deliberately combined them into one to once again discredit the "lying soldiers" who fought in WW1, in order to defend 'Wrong-Shells' Kitchener and his murderous cronies.
"You forgot the bit about the massive amount of information and intelligence being gathered by British Intelligence via ENIGMAW
I forgot nothing - I posted the link.
The argument was about that antisemitism among establishment figures during the war - not the actual ignorance and understandable disbelief that existed at the time.
What all those articles show was the ambivalence shown towards the Jewish refugees by the authorities at the time and the fact that it remains a bone of contention among Jews up to today.
I've argued the same about the Catholic Church and 'Hitler's Pope' who traded Jewish lives for Catholic ones in Italy.
I don't 'make up' anything - I put them up because the ring true - you never give any documented background to any of your claims.
You have never been able to give a false posting I have made or a changed story, unless it was changed on the basis of fresh information supplied during the discussion - not likely with you pair as you don't do that sort of thing.
Now - I suggest you go and check exactly what I have written and if you find any anomolies, you bring them back with links, so I can check.
In the meantime - given the postings on the well-established antisemitism within the ranks of the British 'Great and Good' how about explaining why the 'whingeing Yids' story is in any way implausible and why you are making such a strenuous effort to defend British Fascism.
Then, when you have a few minutes, you might let us have that information on the "serious problem of antisemitism" in the Labour Party - what it is, who are the culprits - where we vcan go to find all about it from the now-leaked' "suppressed report".
Take your time - I've got all day.
"Anglophile" - someone wo hates the British people, like describing them lazy scroungers and spongers - you can throw in describing British industry as "crap" and agreeing to its destruction!!
The British people are great - the people who appoint racists to high office and the scum who support them are the problem.
Jim Carroll