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Thread #159827   Message #3804838
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Aug-16 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"- many you have given are from the same source.""
Exactly Keith
My point is that Isral is part of this discussion and Bobad's examples prove that - try to keep up..
"Agreed, but what has that to do with me or this discussion?"
You called me deranged - I gave you an example of your own
Try to keep up.
"You raised the issue of a tiny group within British politics who were pro Nazi."
We are discussing the British Labour party being accused of Antisemitism, which has been expanded to Antisemitism in general
You rant about not discussing Israel on the one hand yet discuss Ireland on the other - one has Israel has reverence to the topic _ Ireland has not - you introduced it as an excuse for British fascism.
I have no objection to discussing anything - you are the one who tries to block discussion - not me.
" of a tiny group within British politics"
There were far more fascists in the wartime establishment, all influential in their way, from monarchs to Newspaper proprietors - that you have been able to prove are in the Labour Party - hasn't stopped your crusade.
Jim Carrol