The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160436   Message #3805785
Posted By: mkebenn
19-Aug-16 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Warren Zevon
Subject: RE: Warren Zevon
I heard "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" while driving home from work one day, and it sounded like a celtic ballad to me, and so caught my interest. Always been a lyric geek and as I listened, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'd never heard of Warren, but had to have that song. Asked about him at the record store (a retail shop where they sold music on these big round plastic things) and purchased "Excitable Boy", saw the cover and the obverse and hurried home to give it a spin. Played "Roland" first, of course and then the title song

"After ten long years

they let me out of the home, an excitable boy they all said.

And I dug up her grave

and built a cage with her bones. He's just an excitable boy""

I've been a devotee for almost 40yrs now. Mike