The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3805969
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Aug-16 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Naz Shah made a very stupid comment about ISRAEL (not about JEWS) that was based on the perceived bad behaviour of the ISRAELI REGIME. She did not make a comment about the bad behaviour of the members of the regime ARISING FROM THE FACT THAT THEY ARE JEWS. Her remark was stupid, immature and very unwise. It was not antisemitic. You clearly haven't a clue what antisemitism is. You clearly want to defend the record of successive Israeli regimes no matter how lousy that record has been. That is dishonest and it reveals that you want Israel to be treated far more favourably than anyone else. In fact, you reject all criticism. I have yet to see you accept any criticism of anything perpetrated by the state of Israel. As for democracy in Israel, you've been told before about how Palestinians in Israel are routinely discriminated against: how they are held up without reason for days at road blocks, how school buses won't go through Arab areas forcing children to walk for miles, how unemployment among non-Jews is far higher than among Jews and about how how pay levels among non-Jews are far lower. Ask the non-Jews who were kicked off good land in order to create exclusively Jewish settlements, or the hundreds of non-Jews who have been held in jail for months or years not only without charge but also without even being told why they are being held about your precious democracy. In Israel, democracy stops as soon as you leave the polling station for approximately a quarter of the population. Your deliberate blindness to all this is is a prime example of appalling bigotry.