The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3806235
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Aug-16 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
It's interesting, isn't it. If I told Keith that Naz Shah was an avid supporter of Jeremy, was an avid supporter of Hamas, was an avid supporter of Remain, was an avid supporter of boycotting Israeli goods, was an avid supporter of reinstating the rights of disabled people that the Tories have removed, was an avid supporter of ending austerity, etc. etc. (all true), he'd be calling her, variously, a liar, deluded, bigoted, antisemitic, a terrorist apologist, far left, etc. etc. Yet when she says something a little contritional, she is oh so truthful that we have to hang on her every word as gospel. Naz says, under considerable pressure, that she's said something antisemitic (I heartily disagree with her, but hey ho), so she's spot on. Dead right. Not to be argued with. But on everything else she says she's a scurrilous lying little leftie bastard. Typical of the Murdoch-driven extreme right represented by Keith and his sorry ilk that they try to have their cake, full of picked cherries, and eat it. Well you're really easy to see through, Keith. And you lied about her and you're still lying about her. Her suspension was mutually agreed pending investigation. Not for any other reason. Then she was rapidly reinstated. I know you don't like it. I know it doesn't suit your weak and flaccid case. But that's the truth. And I'll tell you another thing. I'm a member of a party that is replete with supporters of Israel. The are dozens of times more of them than there are alleged antisemites. They even have their own official lobby group within the party (nowhere near as nasty as the one in the Tory party, but I still don't much care for it). It doesn't matter to me. I understand arguments that sympathise with all the people of Israel. I'm not affiliating myself to any setup or any individual who wants Israel wiped off the map. I actually want far more for Israeli people than you do. I do not want Israeli people put in harm's way, unlike you, bobad and Bibi.