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Thread #159827   Message #3806673
Posted By: Teribus
25-Aug-16 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Don't know about that Shaw, remember I have already posted the figures you requested plus the ones going back to 1920 and they were not really as disproportionate as you and your pals like to make out.

But there again you and your pals think that there is, or should be, some sort of "tit-for-tat" equivalence when it comes to war - simply put there isn't. Since 1920 the Arabs of the region have chosen armed conflict as their way of solving what they see as the Jewish problem. It is most certainly NOT the fault of the Jews of the region and latterly of Israel that they simply happen to be a damned sight better at armed conflict than their Arab antagonists - perhaps it may have had something to do with motivation, the Israelis know with absolute certainty what their fate would be should they ever lose, so they make sure that they don't.

When the Ottoman Empire was broken up there were two multi-cultural secular enclaves created where religious tolerance would be the norm - Lebanon and Palestine - to make the latter 77% of the original Palestine Mandate was hived off and given to the Arabs of the region for their sole settlement. That however wasn't good enough they wanted the lot. Lebanon has all but vanished as haven of tolerance it was supposed to be and is now an armed camp where various militias watch each other like hawks, only Israel remains as a democratic, secular, multi-faith and multi-cultural country surrounded by those who wish to destroy it.

As Greg F. doesn't seem able to produce the figures Shaw maybe you could have a go at it? And you never know maybe you could provide a link to show the Hamas Map of this Two-State Solution that they claim to be fighting for. But as both you and I know Shaw - no such map exists - and you are not honest enough to acknowledge that.