The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151984   Message #3807570
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Aug-16 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
"I did not defend it. I deplored it."
You denied it, making your deploring it deplorable hypocrisy and totally meaningless
"Phosphorous is not a chemical weapon."
Posphporus used against civilians is a weapon and is illegal - Israel targeted schools with it
You are a deplorable hypocrite
"The devices used in Gaza were smoke generators, "
The devices used in Gaza were phosphorus weapons and condemned as such - you have the condemnation from Human Rights Watch
You are a deplorable hypocrite
"Not true. Israel has never used chemical weapons."
Yes it has Keith - you are a scumbag for denying it.
"you bring up another nation"
You were the first to mention the modern State of Israel (apart from Biblical quotes) as far back as (28 Aug 13 - 04:01 PM)
"No comment at all about the Palestinians that would be killed by any use by Syria or Iran of the WMD they have threatened Israel with."
Israel has been part of this discussion from day one and has been mentioned 333 time so far
Read the thread or get someone to read it for you Brucie
Stop scurrying behind thread drift - chemical weapons appears in the title and Israel's usage is a valid part of this discussion, especially as you were the one who brought it in. and were happy to use it when it suitd you
Somebody who has one rule for himself and another for the rest of us.
Jim Carroll