The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151984   Message #3807913
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Sep-16 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
"Simple then Carroll give us an example of one of those lies?"
Give us an example of somebody linking to Syrian ammunition - I have never done so, nor has anybody else - you claimed we had
I linked only to the reports of the sales being made
Your series of contradictory and unconnected excuses, made up as the argument progressed and presented as "facts" are lies - they were not facts - they were made up by you.
As I said - you are a liar.
I link to everything I claim - you refuse to do so, arrogantly expecting your word
Nerve gas components sold to Syria equate with Syria's ability to manufacturing nerve gas - you argument is simply the use of semantics.
Syria was sold material capable of producing nerve gas - Assad used nerve gas on hos own people - the two facts are inseparable.
I linked to the statements to show there was no prevarication
Game over - unless uyou want to tell us about the "democratic" firsdt half of the 19th century, or Kitchener, themagnificent leader, ot "brainwashed Ireland".... but I'm quite sure you don't
Jim Carroll
Jim Carroll