The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3808225
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Sep-16 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"based on equality"
"In Israel, Instead of Equal Rights, No Equality at All
Netanyahu's 'nation-state' bill undermines the notion that Israel's Arab population is entitled to collective rights, not just individual ones.
read more:

Freedom of religion"
"Israel's claim to be a place that guarantees freedom of religion is questionable in light of its treatment of Muslims. The fact that the state of Israel doesn't hesitate in limiting Muslim worshipers from entering their holiest place in the country cannot be viewed as a tolerant or democratic action. If Israel is to keep calling itself a democracy, it should behave as one. Israel is failing its democratic values and claims when it comes to its treatment of the minorities."

"Freedom of Speech"
"I better remember what I wrote in my newspaper just over six years ago, that "the degree of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone ... who dares to criticize Israel ... is fast reaching McCarthyite proportions.
The attempt to force the media to obey Israel's rules is ... international"."
Robert Fisk

"freedom of assembly"
"A good example of this is the Defense Minister's recent decision to outlaw the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, which is one of the most important political and social movements within the Arab minority. The Defense Minister decided to use the emergency regulations, which have remained intact since the colonial British mandate, in order to severely violate the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly of a major part of the Arab community in Israel.
Haaretz 2016

Ten years after report on October 2000 riots, in which 13 were killed, the state has failed to implement antidiscrimination measures that would reestablish just relations between Jews and Arabs in Israel.

"Minority Rights"
"Arab citizens of Israel face entrenched discrimination in all fields of life. In recent years, the prevalent attitude of hostility and mistrust towards Arab citizens has become more pronounced, with large sections of the Israeli public viewing the Arab minority as both a fifth column and a demographic threat. There are glaring socioeconomic differences between Jewish and Arab population groups, particularly with regard to land, urban planning, housing, infrastructure, economic development, and education. Over half of the poor families in Israel are Arab families, and Arab municipalities constitute the poorest municipalities within Israel."
Association for Civil Rights in Israel



Pull the other on Bobad
Jim Carroll