The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160544   Message #3808548
Posted By: Ebbie
05-Sep-16 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: If Trump Wins...
Subject: BS: If Trump Wins...
This American election season is painful, both in duration and in content.

One of my concerns is to what we are doing to our children. We try to teach them good manners, compassion and empathy toward others, and tell them that calling each other names and certain words is *bad*. What must they think now? And what can the parents say?

I believe that if Donald Trump becomes president, this country is in for a rough ride, to put it mildly but I hope to remain calm and disinterested. After first supporting Bernie Sanders, I will vote for Hillary Clinton, but if Trump gets in I feel like throwing up my hands and saying, OK! You got what you wished for- and I don't want to hear a word of complaint about it.

They ain't gonna like it. Chaos, probably global, will become the norm, although my prediction is that if Trump gets in, he will either quit within two years or be impeached within ONE.

For some time I've been saying that it is my opinion that within 10 years Mr. Trump will be adjudged insane. Since then I've arrived at the conclusion that I was wrong: he will be certified insane within 5 (FIVE) years.