The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160560   Message #3809190
Posted By: Steve Shaw
09-Sep-16 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gluten intolerance study:8pm BBC2 8 Sept
Subject: RE: BS: Gluten intolerance study:8pm BBC2 8 Sept
Greg beat me to it there, Jack.

It pays not to judge. There will be people who have pestered their docs who are just hypochondriacs. There will be people who have suffered in silence who are genuine. There will be people who have self-diagnosed who are are genuine and others who are wackos. Hard to tell who's who, at least at first. No-nonsense blokes such as me good self have got to resist our instinctive impatience with the people we see as possible food-fadders, the vegans and the veggies, especially the pontificators and evangelists. Anyone who has been properly tested and diagnosed coeliac is genuine. Now where's my bloody steak knife...