The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160560   Message #3809248
Posted By: Senoufou
10-Sep-16 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gluten intolerance study:8pm BBC2 8 Sept
Subject: RE: BS: Gluten intolerance study:8pm BBC2 8 Sept
Modern bread made in factories (as peregrina says, by the dreaded Chorley Wood process) is disgusting and more like cake than bread.
I used to make all my own bread, and the process takes a long time, with kneading, rising and proving. I used to add bits of this and that to vary the flavour (cracked wheat, bran flakes, wheatgerm, almond flour, raisins, crushed walnuts, whatever took my fancy at the time.) I had cupboards full of these ingredients, and bought stone-ground flour from local Norfolk outlets, plus fresh yeast. The time involved only meant putting the tins in a warm place (airing cupboard) and waiting (eating chocolate and doing the crossword) and the gorgeous smell in the house was mouth-watering. Sadly, I'm a bit too doddery to do this nowadays, and we buy our bread from health-food shops. It still tastes like bread though.
I remember clearly a Domestic Science lesson at school, where we had to take a good handful of white flour and rinse it under the tap while squeezing. This rinsed all the starch away and left a glutenous sticky mess. That, we were told was gluten! And am I right in thinking that so-called 'strong flour' which I used for my bread-making,is high in this gluten?