The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3809782
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
13-Sep-16 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
You lie consistently Keith

Then it should be easy for to to produce an example.
Let's see the very worst you can come up with.
Or, are you the liar here?

eye witness accounts, press reports, inquiries,

No inquiry has found Israel directly responsible, so there is a lie from you straight away.

Eye witness accounts implicating Israelis did not appear for a suspiciously long time, and we know that lying eye witnesses can always be found against Israel.

Only one journalist entered the camp in the immediate aftermath, and he found nothing to implicate Israelis.

Sabra Shatila was totally without public lighting - the victims were dragged from their tiny dwellings, the wonen were raped and disemboweled in the lanes, the men were butchered - all in total darkness????

Why not? Or you could use a torch, or do it in daylight.
There were no flares for all those other massacres.

"Most were killed in their homes"
Do you have any evidence of this

Robert Fiske, "But there were women lying in houses with..."

No fighters were found and a tiny number of weapons were recovered.

Firing was coming out of the camp before Phalange went in.
Fiske filmed some fighters when he went in.

You have been inundated by documented evidence

Remind me of some you have provided because I can think of none!

It takes a certain level of stupidity to lie about something that is within reach without having to change threads

Yes it does Jim. It should be very easy for you to find some of this "documented evidence" if you are not lying again.