The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3809807
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
13-Sep-16 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
I've just produced a whole bundle of them and you dontinue to deny I have

You produced only one direct quote which was no lie. ( "decent nations not condemning...")
The rest was all your inaccurate interpretations of what you claim I said but did not.
If I am such a prolific liar, why can you find no quotes?

you claim to have answered them all - you have answered none

Sorry, I thought I had.
What still needs answering?

The McBride Commission found them "probably" responsible.
"Probably" is rather inconclusive, but I do not remember them using that word. Quote please.
I recall they could only say, "directly or indirectly" responsible and Israel accepts indirect responsibility.

no independent group has ever absolved them

Of course not. That is not what they do.

- human rights groups have declared them wholly responsible

How would they know what happened?
Members of the ICRC were in the hospital on day 2, and they moved in on the morning of day 3. They do not implicate Israel in the massacre.

So you rape a woman, cut her throat and disembowel her CARRYING A ***** torch
You catch an adult and shoot him or hack him to death carrying a torch.

If it actually happened at night yes. Fighters carry torches at night and such people as these would be in roaming gangs, not individuals.
Flares do not work indoors anyway, and all those other massacres were achieved without them.

"Remind me of some you have provided because I can think of none!"
Than you are either lying or illiterate

I am neither. Why can you not find anything Jim?

You have just been given Ellen Siegal's account of the massacre - is it not evidence because she wasn't there, or maybe because she was "a self-hating Jew"

I have it in front of me. It does not implicate Israelis in the massacre. It is entirely consistent with their version of events.