The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3809817
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
13-Sep-16 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
If Ellen Seigal's eye witness statement isn't "evidence" - what is it.

It is evidence. I have it in front of me and it is entirely consistent with Israel's version of events.

If Robert Fisk's account of the massacre based on his own researches isn't "evidence" what is it.

When he entered the camp he saw nothing to implicate Israel. By his "researches" you mean talking to Palestinians months later, who like the ones from Jenin say what they are told to say.

If the report of the McBride enquiry isn't evidence - what is it?
It is evidence, but it failed to find Israel directly responsible.

You lied.

Same old mantra Jim, but you can not find a single quote to justify it, even though I keep requesting one.

You have been given an account of the massacre accepted by all other than the Israeli regime and its supporters

.... and all liberal democracies. "Accepted by all" enemies of Israel!

You continue to make pathetic claims about how the massacre was carried out and why illumination was necessary for it to continue over three nights.

TWO NIGHTS!! Were there flares on the second night? There was no third night. Look it up Jim.
Flares are needed for military operations but are quite superfluous for random murder in a crowded camp.

You have not produced one single account which contradicts those claims

Yes I have. Siegel and Fiske. I quoted both. You have produced nothing until now.

other than those made by the Israeli perpetrators

I have quoted no Israelis. You lie.

This massacre could not happened without Israel's active participation under the command of Ariel Sharon, Amos Yaron, and others. Israel prevented terrified residents from leaving, they supplied the flares to the Phalange in order to light up neighborhoods so they could find their victims, they lent a bulldozer to help bury bodies, they were in communication with the murderers, and they could see what was going on in the camps.
Ellen Seigal

That is her opinion but nothing she saw or said in her testimony supports that view.

" there was no doubt in my mind that the Israeli Defence Forces officials and soldiers, using sophisticated binoculars, could clearly see what was happening in those camps.
Ellen Seigal

Perhaps she thinks sophisticated binoculars can see through walls.
She was unable to see anything even from the roof of the hospital deep within the camp.

you claim "It does not implicate Israelis in the massacre"

Her testimony which she gave to the Kahan Commission, and her journal from the time, records nothing to implicate Israelis.