The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3810050
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
15-Sep-16 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
The use of bulldozers were reported on by witnesses
The fact that they were used is not disputed.

Yes, and?

There is no evidence for Israelis burying bodies. The Phalange may well have buried or trucked some out, but not hundreds without leaving a trace.

Report of the Kahan commission enquiry Lewiston Daily Sun Nov 2nd 1982
The commission members questioned them closely on evidence that could have implied Israeli Involvement
The witnesses said they saw as many as 10 bulldozers working in the Chatilla camp as they were led out of the area Saturday morning Sept. 18. Israeli officers acknowledged allowing entry of only one bulldozer, for clearing rubble.
It was later learned that the bulldozers were being used to hide evidence of the massacre and dig mass graves.
Ms. Siegel said she saw three bulldozers, each marked with a single Hebrew letter, which could have been an Israeli army Insignia.

None of that is true except that one dozer was supplied to clear rubble.
Why not look at the actual commission report instead of the Lewiston Daily Sun?!

Benny Morris, in Israel's Secret Wars, stated that Israeli forces provided the bulldozers used to bury the massacred Palestinians.

He has never said any such thing! Where do you get this shit?

Neither of your two witness reports implicate Israelis! What is your point??