The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74786   Message #3810729
Posted By: GUEST,Dorcas
21-Sep-16 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: 2016 Obit: Don Shepherd
Subject: RE: Don Shepherd - is he still around
As Cathy has told you we lost my wonderful father this week. It still doesn't feel quite real, we had fought for him for such a long time. He was quite simply a breathtaking man, his musical talent, lust for life, positivity and ability to focus on the important things in life an inspiration. I feel truly blessed to have had him as a father and to have the music he made in our lives.

We are just starting the process of organising his send off. If anyone has any anecdotes or stories that they remember I would love to hear them. I want to learn as much about him as I can from his time in the "Hammersmith years".

Please feel free to email me on
