The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149044   Message #3810921
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Sep-16 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Hi, TIA. I've missed you. I see you've been on that infernal Trump thread that I've been avoiding. I guess I'm keeping my cowardly head down in that regard in the hope that the yanks will do something sensible for a change. As for climate change, we are facing the biggest moral issue in human history. If the odds that human activity is causing climate change are 99.9%, or 95%, or 50%, or even less, then it is incumbent on us to act, and act now. There is a chance that we will get away with carrying on as we are now. I hope to Christ that we WILL get away with it if we do carry on as we are now. Sane people can see that the odds against that are massive. Oil company executives and the politicians that are in their pockets are not insane, but they are ruthless, money-grabbing bastards who know that global warming will simply drive them on to their yachts. Oil company executives don't give a damn about the hundreds of millions who live in low-lying coastal communities, or the hundreds of millions who will be driven out of their homelands by drought. Their thoughts are for the people who already have more money than they know what to do with, their big shareholders who sit on their fat arses getting richer by doing precisely nothing, and they have an unhealthy obsession with being able to manipulate politicians. They will cling to the contrary pseudo-science of denial and they have the monetary means to shove that down our throats to make it seem that this is a fifty-fifty issue. Greenhouse-gas emissions have never been higher than they are today. So much for "protocols," eh?