The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131922   Message #3810929
Posted By: Senoufou
22-Sep-16 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Autumn
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Autumn
It's cranefly time once again. Have seen some of those huge ones (Tupila maxima) which are new here. Plus huge spiders coming in from the garden to disport themselves on our bedroom wall. (Brave husband puts them outside again)
No colour change as yet on the trees, except the poor horse-chestnuts have been attacked yet again by the leaf-miner, and their leaves are prematurely orange (ie dead)
The house martins in our village have had a very good summer, with hot weather bringing out the flying insects for them to hoover up.
Our Bramley apple tree has produced a good crop, but rather small fruit due to lack of rain. Picked four large binbags full, for the Harvest Supper this weekend. (apple pies and cream for the dessert)
We draw our curtains now at 7-30pm. As a funny old boy over the road always says with a grin, "Winter drawers on!"
It's my birthday next week (St Michael's Day) so I love this time of year!