The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3810967
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Sep-16 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
You have had "hard evidence" - you have not attempted to disprove it, you have described it as "made up shit" - any moron can do that, as you have shown.
If the eye-witness accounts are "unverifiable and contradictory", you certainly have produced nothing to show that is the case.
Again, you make belligerent and unqualified abatements on what I have put up, as with everything you have claimed.
Your, 'it couldn't have happened because we don't know the numbers' sums up the level of your argument, your 'bulldozers' sank in the mud - you have persistently dodged behind Jenin which is not an issue here.
You have answered nothing - you have responded to nothing other than with insulting and belligerent bullying - all from the safety of anonymity and distance - as with all bullies, you do what you do from relative safety.
What with Keith's mindless repetition of imbecilic arguments based on 'Israel didn't do it' - full stop and your schoolyard behaviour, all you have managed to do is show yourselves up ad dysfunctional extremists.
You say I have a closed mind - what exactly have you put up to think about that isn't entirely unqualified opinion - what facts have you produced, what evidence, where have you quoted anybody - qualified or unqualified, that makes anything resembling a rebuttal of the facts?
You can dismiss the evidence and opinions of eyewitnesses out of hand - any half-wit can do that - that's what spoilt children do when they can't get their own way - over and over again.
You can't even manage my name J-I-M - suggests a nasty dose of dyslexia to me.
You want to open my mind - give me something to put in it - YOU HAVE PRODUCED NOTHING BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T THE NOUSE TO FIND ANYTHING.
Where is your evidence?
Jim Carroll