The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3810984
Posted By: Teribus
23-Sep-16 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"you do precisely the same thing in your very next post."

Really Shaw? As far as I can see my very next post was addressed to points made by Andy7 who up until 22 Sep 16 - 05:00 PM had not contributed to the thread - so how could that be repetition?

Care to point out anything that I did say in that post that was inaccurate, incorrect or "stupid".

By the way here are the inconsistencies in the unverified and unproven stories that Jom believes:

3,500 death but nowhere near that number of bodies - the Palestinians attempted to tell the same lies about Jenin but got caught out

Lebanese Forces (Phalangist) personnel perpetrated the massacre IDF personnel did not enter the camp - yet 10 Israeli bulldozers were supposed to have been seen inside the camp burying the dead, who I presume would have been inside the camp - not possible if no IDF personnel entered the camp as Jom's eye-witnesses have said.

1 Bulldozer seen at the camp entrance versus 10 bulldozers inside the camp - Which is correct?

According to Jom, and the story he believes, the difference in the ICRC and Lebanese body count and the one his bias and bigotry wants to believe can be explained away by a statement that the bodies were buried in a "secret mass grave" dug by IDF bulldozers and hidden beneath a Sports Stadium - This fable is utterly ridiculous for a number of fairly obvious and logical reasons. So obvious and logical in fact that one would have to be a complete and utter moron to believe the tale in the first place - needless to say Jom swallowed it hook-line-and-sinker as soon as he read it, pausing not even for a nano-second to question the practicalities and time line that would have been required.

Also odd isn't it Shaw that Jom never mentions the 1985 War of the Camps in Lebanon where Syrian backed Shi'ite Amal Militias attacked the Palestinians in Sabra-Shatila death toll there between 3,781 and 6,787. He doesn't mention this probably because it cannot be blamed on the Israelis, but these attacks were far worse than those of 1982 in terms of scale, ferocity and duration. Strange isn't it that while all that was going on there were the Israelis digging away with their bulldozers "secretly" burying the death of the 1982 massacre and constructing a Sports Stadium - after all the damn thing wasn't finished until 1998.