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Thread #159827   Message #3810991
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Sep-16 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"1 Bulldozer seen at the camp entrance versus 10 bulldozers inside the camp - Which is correct?
Bulldozer reported as having been seen by Ellen Seigal - correct
10 bulldozers revealed to have been used confirmed by the report of the Kahan Commission in the American newspaper   given on this forum - eqally correct
One was an eye-witness report the other based later research
The number of bulldozers discovered to have been used rose as witnsses were interviewed, the first being the half-dozen reported by relief workers, who saw four.
The final figure was reached following the Kahan Commission enquiry, where the Israelis claimed only one.
Benny Morris admitted there were several and they were being used to bury the bodies.
The actual number is totally immaterial - if it had been 35, it would have been a crime against humanity, if it had been 350 it would have been a crime against humanity....
It was a crime against humanity facilitated, armed and assisted by the Israeli regime.
If you read what was put up, you would be aware of all this - it's all been provided.
I have never suggested that the IDF entered the camp - even though their presence was reported by eye witnesses, whod described pleading with Israeli soldiers to stop the killing.
I have listed everything that has been confirmed and asked for your response - nothing other than dishonest claims that they've been answered.
The War of the camps has nothing to do with the massacre of 3,500 unarmed refugees - it was a hideous crime against humanity and nobody, other than the Israeli right wing and their right wing apologists have ever denied it.
Now - where's your evidence?
Try again J.I.M. - not difficult.
J.I.M. Carroll