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Thread #159827   Message #3811358
Posted By: Teribus
26-Sep-16 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Now then J.I.M. tell us all exactly what it is that I have "denied".

You have made categoric statements about the 1982 massacres in Beirut and they have been challenged. In response you, as you always do when challenged, produce reams of what you "think" is "evidence" riddled through and through with contradictory, conflicting statements to support your usual over-emotive claptrap. On investigation we find that these "eye-witnesses" you are so fond of actually saw nothing.

I also pointed out to you that in the wake of the "supposed" massacre at Jenin there were clear parallels and similarities in the "eye-witness" accounts for both Sabra-Shatila and the Jenin massacres, and we all know for certain that the Jenin massacre did not happen because with the exception of one person all those supposedly killed turned up alive and well, same as those doctors and nurses did in Beirut in 1982 that one of your "eye-witnesses" claimed she saw executed.

You have been asked to substantiate your claim that 3,500 people were killed and you have singularly failed to do so. Your story has changed so many times it is getting hard to keep up. You've got Israeli bulldozers digging mass graves in God knows how many places but no bodies subsequently found even although at one of those locations massive reconstruction work involving extensive ground works uncovered nothing - not one single body - and there should have been at least one shouldn't there J.I.M. according to another of your "eye-witnesses".

By the way J.I.M. an example of demonstrating the art of being inarticulate:

Jim Carroll - 24 Sep 16 - 10:51 AM

"I was reading it the other day when I was confirming that you were twelling lies about my "secret Graves".
No mass graves were looked for, which is the point of Fisk's artificial"


Fisk's artificial what?

Perhaps you should start taking more water with it, or better still engage your brain before you type anything.

Old saying Jom - "People in glass houses should not throw stones"