The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3811442
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
26-Sep-16 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"everything that points the fingr at Israel is untrue and witness statements are inadmissible"

None of those "eye witnesses" appeared until long after the event and it has been easy to show that some of their claims are lies. There were no killings or rapes in hospitals.
You have also posted silly inventions from people who were not there at all.

The Phalange were in the camp from 18.30 on Thursday until 08.30 0n Saturday. Friday was the only whole day.

On Friday Siegel says, "a film crew from Visnews came. They did some filming, then left. Late in the afternoon, representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross appeared; they evacuated a half-dozen critically injured children, whom they placed in other hospitals around the city. They also left us oxygen, blood and other vital and much-needed supplies. Finally, the ambassador of Norway came by."
None reported any signs of massacre, so it is unlikely that Israelis outside the camp could!

On Saturday morning The Phalange came out and ICRC, other NGOs and reporters went in. No secret movement of bodies or burials would be possible.

Steve, the BBC do not think it a non story. There was a lot of it on the Today Programme this morning.