The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3811772
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Sep-16 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Still nothing other than denials
Still no response to facts such as the head of JLM being appointed by Israel
Still; no description of the "antisemitism" Labour has been accused of.
Still no numbers involved.
A trial without specified charges and unnamed accused.
Instead we have unspecified charges against unspecified people against a party that has no record by a group of politicians who are virtually all linked back to a regime that is desperately trying to offset a boycott of goods brought about because of that regime's record of Human Rights abuses and atrocities - the only ones that haven't been were opponents of and have just been thrashed by a leader who supports the rights of the Palesnians and is an outspoken opponent of the people who have instigated these charges in the first place
Think we're done here, don't you?
G'night sweethearts
Jim Carroll
"The question you have to ask yourself is, why? Why has this issue been resurrected with a vengeance, so soon after its previous outing was disposed of as a farce? Is it because of a handful of allegedly antisemitic social media postings from Labour members? Is it because of the tongue-in-cheek map posted by Naz Shah? That's not believable. The only plausible answer is, it's political. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the factual situation; instead, a few suspect cases of antisemitism – some real, some contrived – are being exploited for an ulterior political motive. As one senior Labour MP said the other day, it's transparently a smear campaign."