The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #3811944
Posted By: bradfordian
29-Sep-16 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: If there's a God by Jerry Rasmussen

If There's A God by Jerry Rasmussen
(Words and music by Jerry Rasmussen)

Jerry's Comments:  Friday, Nov. 29, 2002:  I just finished this song a couple of days ago, and thought that I'd send it on to you, Aine.  I think that most believers have had a point in their life when they weren't really sure that God existed.  I even had a minister-friend who acknowledged that he's had times in his ministry when he doubted that God really existed.  I think that's easy to understand.  The whole concept of God is so far beyond our grasp that there are times when all of us need to come to Him and ask that He felp us in our unbelief.  That's what this song is about.

If There's a God, why would he, love a sinner like me
After all of the things that I've done? (in my life)
If he knows my heart, why would he ever part
With his only begotten son?

There is a peace beyond understanding
There is a love that you've never known
No matter what your sins, he'll make you whole again
And he will never leave you alone

How can I believe, what I cannot conceive?
Who can I turn to, to show me the way?
God if you're there, and you hear this prayer
Oh Lord, please don't turn me away


In the dark of night, he is the truth and the light
There is no burden that Jesus won't share
When all hope is gone, and you can't carry on
Just call him, he'll always be there